The time has come for immediate ceasefire in Gaza: PM Shehbaz

The time has come for immediate ceasefire in Gaza: PM Shehbaz

NEW YORK   -  Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday strongly condemning the ongoing atrocities by the Israeli forces against the Palestinian people, called upon the international community to forge unity and demand an immediate ceasefire and the creation of the State of Palestine.

“The time has come when we all must come together and demand an immediate ceasefire and the creation of the State of Palestine as without that peace will not return in this part of the world. If this is allowed to linger on, then God forbids, things will become very very tense,” the prime minister told the reporters along with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after they held a meeting, on the sidelines of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

The prime minister said he visited the Palestinian president to show Pakistan’s complete solidarity with the people of Palestine and reiterated the condemnation of the atrocities and genocide being committed by Israel in Gaza, killing young boys, girls, babies, men and women.

“I am here to convey the feelings of the people of Pakistan that our hearts beat together. We strongly condemn this barbaric act. During the last one year, 41000 Palestinian people have been martyred. Cities after cities, towns, villages, hospitals, schools and infrastructure have been razed to the ground. This kind of barbarism hasn’t been witnessed not only in the recent past but since ages,” the prime minister remarked. He said that the sacrifices, patience and bravery of the people of Palestine would not go to waste but rather would result in the creation of the State of Palestine.

In his remarks, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said even since before 1948, Pakistan’s position on Palestine had been unchanged as the country had extended the maximum possible support to the people of Palestine. He said Pakistan’s support was not just limited to the students rather it maintained its pro-Palestine position in the international forums.

‘Pakistan, UK to promote relations’

Pakistan and the United Kingdom have agreed to promote bilateral relations in various sectors, including trade and investment.

The understanding reached during a meeting between Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his British Counterpart Keir Starmer, on the sidelines of 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

During the meeting, discussion was held on Pakistan’s economic situation, while Shehbaz Sharif shed light on government’s measures for economic development, especially reforms in the Federal Board of Revenue and enhancing tax-base.

The Pakistan Prime Minister apprised his British counterpart about the adverse impact of climate change, confronting the country.

Talking about Pakistan’s sacrifices in the war against terrorism, Shehbaz Sharif said terrorism is a global issue and the international community will have to jointly work for the elimination of this menace.

Highlighting the United Kingdom as the third largest country in terms of investing in Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif threw light on investment opportunities and various projects in the country.

Regarding the role of expatriate Pakistanis residing in the United Kingdom for the development of both countries, the Pakistan Prime Minister reaffirmed the resolve to promote people to people contacts and exchanges to achieve mutually beneficial goals.

PM meets Bill Gates

Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif met Bill Gates, founder and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) on the sidelines of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 2024) Session. Recalling Gates’ recent visit to Pakistan in June this year, the prime minister thanked him for the invitation to visit the Gates Foundation in Seattle in December 2024.

He also appreciated the Gates Foundation’s engagement and support to Pakistan on polio eradication, maternal and child health, nutrition, immunization, digitization, and financial inclusion.

The prime minister highlighted Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to ensure complete eradication of polio from the country. He thanked the BMGF for its longstanding support in this effort and underscored the need for sustained efforts and supports to Pakistan, particularly for health system strengthening and maternal and child nutrition in this regard.

Acknowledging Pakistan’s efforts Bill Gates stressed polio eradication was vital to protect its future generations from this crippling disease. He appreciated the prime minister’s personal supervision and engagement of the Provincial governments in the polio vaccine program across the country.

Gates shared updates on a comprehensive Health Dialogue with Afghanistan and requested support for the initiative. He also communicated his willingness to focus more on the pockets where the number of missed children or refusal of polio vaccines is higher especially where the morbidity of children is higher.  He also shared with the prime minister on King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre’s support for polio and other health relief-related initiatives.

PM Shehbaz meets EU President Ursula

Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday met the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, on the margins of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

A wide array of topics, including bilateral relations, and regional and global issues came under discussion during the meeting.

The prime minister congratulated Ms Ursula on her re-election as the President of the European Commission and commended her unwavering commitment to advancing the interests of the European Union.

The prime minister emphasized Pakistan’s dedication to strengthening its relationship with the European Union, underlining the importance of continued dialogue and cooperation in advancing shared goals.

Commenting on the GSP Plus Scheme, the prime minister mentioned that Pakistan had demonstrated consistent political commitment to fully implement the GSP Plus-related international conventions.

This exchange between the prime minister and the EU president underscores the commitment of Pakistan to proactive engagement and collaboration on a global scale on issues of mutual interests.

IMF’s assistance helped strengthen country’s institutions, improve economic management: PM

Meanwhile, PM Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday appreciated the IMF’s technical assistance and capacity-building programmes, which, he said, had helped strengthen the country’s institutions and improve its economic management.

He was talking to Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva in a meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly session.

Appreciating the collaboration with IMF for a successful Staff Level Agreement (SLA) for a 37-month USD 7 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for Pakistan, the prime minister highlighted the government’s commitment to implementing structural reforms and promoting private sector development.

The IMF managing director expressed the Fund’s support for Pakistan’s efforts and emphasized the importance of maintaining macroeconomic stability, and promoting inclusive and sustainable growth.

During the meeting, they also discussed the urgent need to mobilize adaptation financing for climate change.

The prime minister agreed to have the finance minister take up this critical issue with senior management at the IMF during the annual meetings in October.

The two leaders also agreed to strengthen cooperation between the government and the IMF to promote economic stability and growth.

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