Markets show mix reaction to nationwide shutter down strike against new taxes

Markets show mix reaction to nationwide shutter down strike against new taxes

LAHORE – Markets in major cities like Lahore, Islamabad, and Karachi have shown mixed reaction to shutter-down strike given by the trader's bodies to protest the imposition of new taxes. 

Leading markets are closed but several businesses are fully operational as per normal routine. 

The incumbent government’s tax reforms prompted outrage from business owners and they are taking to streets, with some political parties like Jamat-e-Islami and other associations offering support.

The development comes after a meeting of trader representatives with Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to express their dissatisfaction with the Tajir Dost Scheme. 

The aggressive taxation presents a major challenge for ruling PML-N and its coalition partner, as PPP, given that the protesting traders are politically connected to these parties. Meanwhile, opposition parties like JUI-F, Jamaat-i-Islami, and Awami National Party declared their backing for traders.

The country's top tax collection authority is open to addressing legitimate issues discussed in meeting and is willing to amend the SRO to accommodate concerns. 

Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) also supporting strike by shutting down businesses, to force the government to withdraw Tajir Dost Scheme and inflated bills.

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