Eric Andre details injury after John Cena hurled him into shelf

Eric Andre details injury after John Cena hurled him into shelf

Eric Andre once hosted hosted John Cena on The Eric Andre Show
Eric Andre once hosted hosted John Cena on 'The Eric Andre Show' 

Eric André has loads of experience of getting injured during his The Eric Andre Show, and one such incident involved John Cena.

The show, which has run for six seasons now, features pranks done by the comedian. But sometimes, he’s on the receiving end of such pranks.

Discussing his injuries, Eric told People, “It's pretty common.”

He went on to recall an episode of season 5 where wrestler and actor John Cena hurled him through a shelf. “I got through the shelf okay, but we forgot to sandbag the shelf — the frame of the shelf — so the metal frame tipped over and knocked me in the head. I got a concussion and went to the hospital,” he shared.

He shared another incident when he sustained an injury: “I was trying to hammer the window, but my whole hands went through. It sliced me up, and I had to get stitches. I had to go to the hospital for that.”

Eric’s show makes fun of the talk-show format and is one of the most unorthodox and wild talk shows on TV.

The host claimed no matter how many episodes of his show guests watch, they still “have no idea what they’re getting into.”

“Even if they did thorough research, they watch every episode, they're super fans, once you sit in that chair, and explosives are being detonated, and flying African hissing cockroaches are coming out of my coffee mug? It doesn't matter how prepared you are,” he said.

“We've gotten it to the point where it doesn't matter how prepared you are,” the Eric Andre reiterated. “Once the torture begins, everybody's going to react in a genuine way. We don't ever want people playing along.”

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