Pakistan again rules out trade resumption with India over Kashmir issue

Pakistan again rules out trade resumption with India over Kashmir issue

NEW DELHI – Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarified that no negotiations were currently taking place between Pakistan and India for resumption of bilateral trade.

FO spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said Pakistan suspended trade with India in 2019 due to India's actions in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). She referred to India's decision on August 5, 2019, to revoke Article 370 and annex IIOJK as the key reason behind this suspension.

She affirmed that the situation regarding bilateral trade remains unchanged. Baloch also emphasized that the purpose of observing the day was to shed light on the suffering of Kashmiris under Indian rule and to stand in solidarity with them.

Condemning the killing of four Kashmiri youths by Indian forces in Doda, Baloch cited this as yet another instance of India's oppressive policies in the region. She called on the international community to take swift and concrete action to hold India accountable for its human rights abuses in IIOJK and ensure the protection of Kashmiri people's rights.

On the subject of border tensions, Baloch urged Afghanistan's interim government to refrain from unprovoked actions along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. This came in response to questions about recent cross-border incidents, including a clash near the Torkham border, where both countries exchanged fire after Pakistan protested the construction of an Afghan checkpoint.

Describing the August 12 clash as unfortunate, Baloch explained that Afghan forces opened fire indiscriminately at the border, to which Pakistani forces responded in self-defense. She urged Afghan authorities to act with restraint, emphasizing that Pakistan will always protect its territory but remains open to resolving disputes diplomatically.

Baloch further highlighted the complexity of Pakistan's relationship with Afghanistan, which involves various aspects of cooperation. She stressed that reducing this relationship to narrow perspectives would be misleading. She also reiterated Pakistan's concerns over terrorist sanctuaries in Afghanistan and called for robust action against terrorist organizations operating from Afghan soil.

Addressing allegations regarding Pakistan's role in the removal of Sheikh Hasina Wajid from power, Baloch rejected the claims as false and reaffirmed Pakistan’s belief in Bangladesh’s ability to determine its own future.

MoFA spokeswoman urged the global community, especially the UN Security Council, to intervene and stop these repeated transgressions in Jerusalem, protect Al-Aqsa’s Islamic character, and safeguard Palestinians’ rights to worship.

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