Chinese scientists detect universe's highest energy gamma-ray line

Chinese scientists detect universe's highest energy gamma-ray line


Chinese scientists have discovered the highest-energy gamma-ray line ever observed, with an energy of up to 37 million electron volts, from an exceptionally bright gamma-ray burst (GRB), state-run media reported on Thursday.

The discovery was made by researchers from the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), according to the Global Times.

This gamma-ray line represents the highest energy spectral line feature ever emitted by celestial objects, the report said. Scientists also observed that the gamma-ray line evolves over time according to a power-law function, providing essential insights into its origin.

GRBs are among the most energetic explosion phenomena in the universe, typically resulting from the core collapse of massive stars or the collision of two compact stars, such as neutron stars and black holes.

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